To help student-entrepreneurs at our Raleigh and Belo Horizonte campuses strengthen their business idea, SKEMA Ventures is organizing a four-day hybrid Bootstrap-Americas workshop from April 12 to 15.
The objective of the workshop is to help participants in getting their business project off the ground. During the workshop, SKEMA Ventures coaches will help you to design an attractive value proposition of your business idea for customers, identify the right business model to support it, and practice how to pitch your venture to investors and stakeholders, among other things. The coaching will be provided in English.
Learning outcomes
After the workshop, the participants will be able to:
- Understand the key determinants of the entrepreneurial mindset
- Use the tools and methods of business modelling
- Pitch the business plan in front of professional stakeholders to provide a clear, short, and valuable understanding of their value proposition and business model
The last date to register for the workshop is April 9.
Click here to register.
Since only a limited number of places are available, please register at the earliest. First come, first serve policy applies. For more information, please contact the SKEMA Ventures manager at your campus: Mitch Weisberg (Raleigh campus):; Dennys Eduardo Rossetto (Belo Horizonte campus):
Program schedule (Raleigh time; For Belo students, take +1h. e.g., day 1 starts at 9am)
Day 1:
- 8am – 8:30am: Kick-off and introduction of the BOOTSTRAP
- 8:30 am – 9:30am: Pitch your entrepreneurial idea
- 9:40am – 10:15am: Defining the value proposition
- 10:15 am – 12.30pm: Practice and coaching
Day 1 deliverables: First draft of the Value Proposition slides
Afternoon is free to work on your value proposition slides.
Day 2:
- 8am – 9am: Pitches of the value proposition
- 9am – 9:30am: From the value proposition to the business model
- 9:45am – 12pm: Practice and coaching
Day 2 deliverables: first draft of your lite business plan
Afternoon is free to work on your business model slides.
Day 3:
- 8am – 8:45am: Testimonial from an entrepreneur
- 9am – 12pm: Practice and coaching (cont.)
Day 3 deliverables: Fine-tuned business model
Afternoon is free to finalize your pitched business plan.
Day 4:
- 8am to 8:15am: Welcome jury members
- 8:15am – 11pm: Final pitch of the business plan in front of the on-line jury
- 11pm – 11:30pm: Feedback from the jury
- 11:30pm – 11:45pm: Wrap-up and seminar conclusion
Jury members: Academics, investors, entrepreneurs