The 5th edition of the Start-up and Innovation summit, organised by the Challenges magazine, will be broadcasted online live from Paris at 9am on June 25. This year’s theme is ‘When Tech changes the world’.
The event is being held in hybrid mode – both online and offline. The discussions will revolve around various interesting topics such as – Is innovation a factor of growth or inequality? Is the circular economy really profitable? How to transform innovative women into entrepreneurs? How to attract (rare) female engineer candidates? Has the COVID-19 crisis washed away the ecosystem? How did business angels overcome the crisis?
Several notable speakers will be leading different sessions, including Thierry Breton (European Commission), Fatoumata Niang Niox (Jokkolabs), Denis Payre (Nature & People First), Jean-Charles Samuelian (Alan), Philippe Aghion (Collège de France), Charles Beigbeder (Quantonation) and Rafaèle Tordjmann (Jeito), among others.
To check the Start-up and Innovation summit’s schedule and register, visit