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  4. Conext: Discover the latest in connected and smart commerce

Conext: Discover the latest in connected and smart commerce

Retail has emerged as one of the fastest evolving sectors. Advance in technology is one of the major factors that have contributed to its rapid growth. Due to this, consumers are better connected and informed than ever before. Conext, a ‘smart’ trade show being held in Lille from October 23 to 25, aims at exploring emerging trends in this industry such as biometric payments, omnipresent artificial intelligence, made-to-measure scenarios, express delivery, and so on. A different theme has been planned for each day of the conference: Retail Intelligence on October 23, Marketing and Data on October 24, and Consumer Intelligence on October 25.

To further enhance participants’ experience, the event has been divided into five different sections:

Data: Solutions for managing information and coordinating data to get to the heart of the subject

Commerce: Helping customers at each contact point and on each channel until they make their purchase

Supply Chain: Delivering by optimizing flows and streamlining the journey between supplier and end customer

Client: Anticipating customers’ needs and forging effective relations

The Lab: Uncovering the next big innovative developments, experimenting, and using future trends as inspiration

Around 200 exhibitors, 10,000 professionals, 150 conferences and debates, 3 keynotes and 252 business meetings are expected to be part of the conference. SKEMA Business School is an official partner of Conext 2018.

For more details, visit www.salon-conext.com/en. To register, visit http://conext2018.site.calypso-event.net/en/visitor.htm.


SKEMA Ventures

SKEMA Ventures is a business unit created by SKEMA Business School dedicated to impact entrepreneurship and innovation. Through a unique value chain, that encompasses teaching, coaching, incubation, and acceleration, SKEMA Ventures allows each SKEMA student and alumni to think, design, test and launch an impactful entrepreneurial project in a global context, on six innovative territories on four continents, benefiting from the best of each local ecosystem. With SKEMA Ventures, GloCal impact entrepreneurship is born! Watch this video to know more

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