Though different approaches to facing competitive challenges and threats have been developed by firms, drivers such as globalization, deregulation and technological changes are constantly changing the rules of the game. Why is long range planning mandatory? What is a business model? How is it related to and different from strategy? Are strategies and tactics the same thing? Many managers lack a proper understanding of these concepts and do not know how to distinguish between them. This article aims at providing a conceptual framework which will help people separate as well as relate these concepts and improve the performance of their business. Click here to read more.
“Putting the right price on customer interactions”
At a time when consumers are becoming pickier about what they want to buy and have high expectations from the products they pay for, what strategies can companies apply to attract them? Many companies are opting to provide their customers new experiences and add-on services. They are focusing on streamlining their interactions with the customers and seamlessly integrating all the services they are offering. Finding out which of the new forms of engagement are adding value to customers’ experience is another challenge. This article provides an insight into how companies can decide which forms of interactions their customers would be willing to pay for and how much to charge for them. Click here to read more.
How digital affects B2B enterprises
Constant innovations in the digital sector have been disrupting every aspect of commerce. B2B organizations are still coming to terms with the opportunities and challenges presented by this development and trying to figure out ways to make the best out of it. Of course, different areas have different levels of impact. Robert Chatwani (CMO of Atlassian), Larissa Pommeraud (global general manager of emerging business at, Dianne Esber (a partner in McKinsey’s San Francisco office focused on driving digital growth), and Brian Gregg (a senior partner who leads retail marketing for McKinsey in the Americas) explore this topic. They discuss about the impact of digital on B2B enterprises, the next generation of marketing: harnessing humans and machines, and how B2B players can exploit digital to unlock value, among other things. Click here to read more.